Sunday, August 17, 2008

Something in the works...

I conquer differences with the same goal.

You get nowhere by dividing the load.

We can work together,- you push, I’ll pull.

Gotta carry some weight cause I can’t do it alone.


Race is a matter more than skin deep.

The prejudice we feel in our hearts we keep.

If we don’t plant the seeds we’ll have nothing to reap.

Stray away from your herds people! We ain’t sheep!


Hatred ingrains in the brain and survives generations.

It dwells in your conscience and takes no vacations.

Like a scratched record that skips and repeats

And got us all dancing crazy to the broken beat


I’m fighting for something that’s bigger than me

You can take my telephone and my cable TV

And give me my freedom and show me peace

I’m sick of the hatred and sick of the greed

I’ve got my virtue and that’s all I need

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